What Is Domain Name Tasting ?

Not only can a good domain name make visitors more inclined to visit a website, it may also enhance search engine rankings. Because search engine boots websites based on keywords in both its content and the name of the domain. However, how can a webmaster know if his domain name would be beneficial? Usually most don't until they do it. There is hence the habit of tasting domain names.

What is the taste of the domain name? 

Domain name tasting is the registration procedure and the measure of how much traffic the domain name registrar gives to the website throughout whatever time of grace (which is normally five days). If a lot of visitors are involved with the domain name, the webmaster will maintain it. If not, they will cancel their registration and receive a refund.

Sounds intriguing to you? Well, first examine the ethics of the process before you decide to perform domain name tasting for your site. Domain names businesses lose millions of dollars every year because of tasting domain names. Although others may not sympathize with them, if the testing of domain names continues without legal limitations, DNS companies may fight back by increasing their costs. This would also harm customers who wanted to purchase the domain name.

The issue of good domain names is not suitable for more serious consumers is another ethical challenge engaged in domain name tasting. Some may argue that domain name testers have every right, whatever many domain names they can, in a free capitalist company structure. But if you don't truly buy these domain names, why shouldn't those others who need them more be able to use them? Many people would argue that it is preferable to sell a domain name to a firm which seriously uses it as its brand than to sell it to anybody who believes it can be used to obtain fast traffic.

It should also be borne in mind that a decent domain name is not a single predictor of whether a website is successful or not. Tasters of domain names deceive themselves if they assume that their practice of domain tasting has led to their success with website visitors. Admittedly, an expired domain name may have some traffic, but to obtain one of value a person should pay hundreds, perhaps thousands of dollars. Many domain name tasters don't have the money for such a domain name so that they may deal with cheaper domain names instead. And most of these inexpensive ones certainly have no traffic stream of their own.

In fact, the sort of website that has a lot of traffic is: a great domain name, enhanced content with a keyword and many inbound links. Although the domain name tasting does not show any ethical errors, it may not correctly represent whether a domain name is legitimate or not. 


If someone tastes a domain name and does not use other components on the website to increase traffic, they may toss away a domain name that may be a gold mine in the future.

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